Bullshit is, for Molina too late and no money for a taxi, one more missing date.
Bullshit is, if Jenny has gone and no chance to get Molina 'cause she's a husband's one.
Bullshit is if the telephone rings in a sexual situation, ready for bad new things.
Bullshit is, if you don't take care about bullshit but bullshit is everywhere.
Uptown Pasadena, there lives my pretty Molina.
Her husband in a titletattle with Tina so I'm with Molina.
Bullshit is, if the postman rings, and Molina in the bedroom ready for bad new things.
Bullshit is, after bad new things at Molina's flat but suddenly the doorbell rings.
Bullshit is, the doorbell rings and her husband with the doorkey, ready for fighting things.
Bullshit is, if you don't take care about bullshit but bullshit is everywhere.