So I'm going on a trip
I pack my suitcase and I take with me
The day my son lost his favorite toy
When he came running in the need of comfort
The painting I never gave the girl I loved as a five year old
And a picture of how she looks today
I don't want anyone to take them away
My precious things will go with me on this great ride
My mother's smile and the memories of sitting at the kitchen table
My feet to short to touch the floor
Stuff I haven't cared for a long time
It's time to dust it off now
Carefully I put them in
Protecting my few precious things for this last ride
It's not much
Easily I sort them out
I even can leave a little space for my soul
As I will join them once i'll have started my journey
One never completely goes
Something of him stays
It has got its place
I pack my suitcase
This trip goes far
I pack my suitcase with black and white cold and warmth sun and moon and love and hate
I will die
Don't cry
Goodbye it's ok
Rust is painting my face like an indian