Let's perform a dingy joke
A perky piece of art
With you to play the fool
And me the beautiful
The cool and distant
The astonishing
The desireable
And never seen before
Oh could you please
Do all the acting
And work out for me
A sophisticated
I'll invite the audience
In their f*ckin' thousands
Men and low-class birds
To watch me do
I do the punchline
To watch me do
I'm bewitching all your senses
On a bed of dynamite
I wanna get dirty
And show you something outrageous
Monstrous, enormous, infectious
It is consciousness in its purest form
High class treatment
I show you something outrageous
Monstrous, enormous, infectious
Obvious and serious and precious
You'll see
I've saved myself for you
Inhale my scent and taste
My flesh while I explode
Wallow in my juices