I think we should, on the song, um, um, you know that story
Well, um, they didn't have shoes in the good ages, and like
Maybe we could draw a picture of Jesus watching the disciples' feet
Right now Jesus is our King
Everywhere I go, Jesus is still our King
Jesus still is our King
He created the universe, so that's why we're here
Yes, that's why we're here
The earth to break and our sins
Jesus broke our sins
By dying on the cross
And then he rose again
In the grave
Up out of the grave
What did he do
He came up out of the grave
Then what happened
Then he scared the devil away from us
Then what
And then, now, we are still sinners, but we have the glory in God
We're made new, aren't we
We are born again because John three.16 says
John three:16 says
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son
That whoever believes in him will not perish
But have everlasting life
Everlasting life
I will be made new
Right now Jesus is our King
How long was the song
We are here at your feet
Everywhere still our King
Jesus, I love you
Jesus, I love you
Jesus, I love you
You guys can make it loud
Jesus is our King
Everywhere we go
We praise you, my King
You died on the cross for to break our sins
Then he died on the cross to break our sins
He rose again for our faith
He washed away our sins
And now we're free
Jesus, you created us, so we praise you and we worship you