In sorrow, face the bane
As sin's fallout looms
Scattered be the soul
So full of dirty wounds
Confession cleans the wounds
So that time can grant its weal
Deploy the sublime insight
That only clean wounds heal
There is the slow decline
As the soul slips far downhill
To micro-movements blind
As dim minds support whim-will
Sudden change could heal
So long as there remains
Love not flash-in-pan
Accepting growing pains
In the midst of steely resolve
To softness of soul attend
In holiness of body sound
Be sure love plays bookend
Think not that time will tame
Desire for what's forbidden
Though one receives some good
Some wisdom still lies hidden
Be wise when young in years
Or play the holy fool
Age apace like wine
Sweetened by grief, thus schooled
Truth timely spoken
Silence timely kept
Are wisdom's fruit of love
To circumstance adept
Whatever be the problem
The brain is wont to solve
Whatever be the story
That becomes the soothing salve
Develop the brain's use
In labour to make bread
And, neglect not the mind
On glory-stories fed
Scarlet droplets of love
Stain faith's trail behind
Whisperings of the dove
Enchant with hope aligned
Whether the gladdest day of the future
Or the gladdest day of the past
Love well through peace or pain
For today's not long to last
Transcendentals timeless
As God's being in Godself
Fill each conscious moment
With goodness, beauty, truth
Personhood is real
Though mechanical the air
Early wait for God
Assured that he is there
The morning face again
Resolving clean to be
Embrace the life divine
Mindful of the God who bleeds
Discern right from wrong
Dwell in divine ideals
Live the sublime insight
That only his clean wounds heal