Let's take a trip inside where the heart resides
A muscle strong and true beating just for you
Four chambers work in sync to pump without a kink
Right and left up and down it never lets us down
The heart goes lub-dub lub-dub oh what a beat
Pumping blood so red moving to the beat
Through the veins and arteries a journey so neat
The heart goes lub-dub keeping life sweet
Right atrium takes the blood from the body's stream
Sends it to the right ventricle like a dream
To the lungs it goes to pick up oxygen
Then back to the left side let the flow begin!
The left atrium's next takes the oxygen high
Pushes to the left ventricle oh my oh my
Through the aortic valve to the body it flies
Giving life to every part from our head to our thighs
Valves keep the flow in line tricuspid's on the right
Mitral's on the left working day and night
Pulmonary and aortic they open and close
Guiding blood on its path wherever it goes
The heart goes lub-dub lub-dub oh what a beat
Pumping blood so red moving to the beat
Through the veins and arteries a journey so neat
The heart goes lub-dub keeping life sweet
So take care of your heart eat well and play
Exercise and smile every single day
The heart's a loyal friend beating just for you
With every lub-dub it shows its love is true