The night is young as I look up and see you
As I thought this can't be true
I say hey it's been a while
Before my night lights up from your smile
You said Hold me close
You said don't let go
I take a chance
As we begin to dance
We where helpless to the music
Your passion felt like magic
Your laugh and eyes
Light me up like fireworks in July
We dance to the music track
As memories come flooding back
The rhythm of the night pulling us close once more
Showing me a life i never explored
We dance and dance away
I wished I could dance all day
The music begins to end
As the light begin to dim
The night ends so fast
As my mind lives in the past
Your about to walk away
My mind starts to sway
I reach and grab your hand
I tried to speak but my mind is completely jammed
You said oh shut up and take a chance
As we begin to dance
We dance and dance all day
I wish we could dance all day
Your beauty pulling me like a trance
As we begin to dance