Here in Desperation, where I see holes like eyes
Revel in the cruelty of God while we do penance for our sins
We've dug too deep and have released our very doom
This ain't no fantasy, this ain't no Khazad-dûm
We've dug too deep, released something that we shouldn't have
Unknowable agent of death proclaimed as Tak
The American west will put you to the test
In the house of the wolf, house of the scorpion
Here in Desperation, where you'll see holes like eyes
Neighbors will copulate on impulse while taking each other's lives
Can-toi are everywhere, extending can tak's gaze
From this frontier of Desperation there's no escape
Oh, shit
Take me to the mine
Bring me to the pit
Take me to the source of all of it
You call it cruel
Because of its effect on you
Consider your effect on the environment you choose
What good is profit?
The future's what we stand to lose
Deaf ears to prophets
The greater evil here is you
See holes like eyes
Expand in size
Until you burst from the inside out
Body of man will be the tool of Tak that brings him down
In desolation this place was fated to be
Now reawakened, Gan is forced to intervene
Do you think it's wise to donate your eyes
When you never know if it's friend or foe
How can we hope for any good when we're so far away
From any prospect of salvation? Seems we're here to stay now
In Desperation we may learn how to rely on faith
In Desperation we can find out what it means to be afraid
I see holes like eyes