Bad Boys II is a 2003 American action comedy film directed by Michael Bay, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, and the sequel to the 1995 film Bad Boys, in addition to the second film in the Bad Boys film series. Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Theresa Randle, and Joe Pantoliano reprise their roles from the previous film. New cast members include Jordi MollĂ , Gabrielle Union, and Peter Stormare. The film follows detectives Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey investigating the flow of illegal drugs going into Miami.
The film was released on July 18, 2003 by Sony Pictures Releasing under the Columbia Pictures label. It received generally negative reviews from critics, with the Rotten Tomatoes consensus describing it as "two and a half hours of explosions and witless banter"; however, it performed well commercially, grossing $273 million worldwide, becoming the tenth-highest-grossing film of 2003. Two sequels, Bad Boys for Life and Bad Boys: Ride or Die, were released in 2020 and 2024, respectively.