We'd like to thank you for that song that you wrote
Pardon us sweetie but we'd like to gloat
You shouldn't fetter we made it better
We've got a fancy new part
OK we stole your song and oh boy it sounds great
There's no denying so let's not debate
It changed a little right in the middle
Now here's that fancy new part
There's inspiration from mysterious ways
Sometimes in a writer's haze
Sometimes songwriters steal a riff or a phrase
This is the real thing
So we'd like to that you for that song that you wrote
You'll get some credit so go buy a boat
But remember our tune is what gave you your boon
Because of our fancy new part
Time to move on to the next song we will write
The beers are flowing and it's late in the night
We can't think straight let's end the debate
What other songs have you got?
There's inspiration from mysterious ways
Sometimes in a writers haze
Sometimes songwriters steal a riff or a phrase
This is the real thing