Bratmobile Lyrics
F*ck Yr. Fans Lyrics
i'm going to hill you...
Get outta my f*cking life i waited my whole life
you ruined my f*ckin life stop living my f*ckin
life You dum bitch i luv Get outta my f*ckin town
grew up in this f*ckin town You queen of my
f*ckin town You ruined my f*ckin town You dum
bitch i luv Get out of yer f*ckin scene if you know
what i f*ckin mean always yer f*ckin scene i hate
yer f*ckin scene You dum bitch i luv Yer breakin
my f*ckin heart you think yer so f*ckin smart i'll
tear yer lie apart YOU HAVE NO F*CKIN HEART