We have made great offenses against
A holy and worthy King
Punishment looms for those who are found
To be guilty of sinful things
So now we must be saved from this
Does such love exist
When I survey the wondrous
Cross I am amazed
God maker of all things
Came to die in our place
Righteous are those who look upon Christ
As the payment for their sins
Searching for this in anything else
Will result in punishment
So now we must be saved from this
Does such love exist
When I survey the wondrous
Cross I am amazed
God maker of all things
Came to die in our place
The only one who can
Fulfill the Father's plan
Jesus Savior
The only one who can
Fulfill the Father's plan
Jesus Savior
We must be saved from this
Does such love exist
When I survey the wondrous
Cross I am amazed
God maker of all things
Came to die in our place