I'm the invisible girl that nobody sees I'm the invisible girl that everyone walks by
I'm the invisible girl that everyone steps on all the time
I'm the invisible girl that nobody hears I'm the invisible girl in this invisible world
You can't see me but I can see you
You can't see me but but I can see you you can't see me
But I can see you clearly I can see you cleary
Invisible girl invisible world invisible girl invisible world invisible girl
But you know what I don't care anymore because I'm gonna do what invisible girl's do
Now I'm gonna be me and you should be you because who cares what others say
And do if there mean then just walk away but don't let them step on
You no don't let them step on youuuuuuuu
Invisible girl invisible world invisible girl invisible world invisible girl
You can't see me but I can see you yeah you can't see me but I can see you clearly
Invisible girl in this invisible world