It's been written on pages and stone
But it's just words until it hits home
Life is shorter than you think
And the truth is another day is never guaranteed
You're born and suddenly you're sixteen
The next morning you wake up at 53
Those one-day someday plans you had
They never came to life you say you never had the chance
Everybody's time is gonna come
That's the one thing we can all count on
I don't know when it will be but when it's my time to leave
I wanna die with memories, not dreams
I don't know how much time I have left
But I do know that I don't want to have any regrets
Work & bills & income taxes, life fills up with these distractions
Before you know it you're looking back wondering what happened
I'm gonna take that trip, and call that friend,
Tell the ones I love, I love them again.
Do all things I always said
And maybe few I didn't yet