As the evening fades
To the shadows of the night
As the sunlight wanes
As the Heaven's stage
Is graced by moon and star
As the evening fades
I am left with you
As the lamb lies down
And the sparrow stills its wings
As creation bows
As the twilight crown
Adorns the earth with sleep
As the lamb lies down
I am left with you
At the ocean's end
Where the depths encounter heights
Where the sunlight sets
Where the heavens bend
At the edge of sea and sky
At the ocean's end
I am left with you
The sun won't set on our love
On our love on our love
Horizons stretch for our love
For our love for our love
And if the sky can't hold our love then what else could
I've endless time and endless songs to offer you
But should music fade and words run dry I'll hold this true
That all my days and all my nights I'm still left with you