En tus ojos ven la miel
Y en tu sonrisa, sus heridas
Almas de papel, buscando fuego
Mudos de dolor, mirando sin ver
Mudos de dolor, hay cicatrices que no cierran
Alas de halcón surcan el cielo
Con vientos nuevos
Almas de papel, pidiendo fuego
Mudos de dolor, mirando sin ver
Mudos de dolor, hay cicatrices que no cierran
¿Quien llora hoy el dolor ajeno?
¿Quien llora hoy el dolor ajeno?
In your eyes they see honey
And in your smile, his wounds
Paper souls, looking for fire
Dumb with pain, looking without seeing
Dumb with pain, there are scars that do not close
Hawk wings furrow the sky
With new winds
Paper souls, asking for fire
Dumb with pain, looking without seeing
Dumb with pain, there are scars that do not close
Who cries the pain of others today?
Who cries the pain of others today?