Stars, in the sky
Those twinkling little things
Float, so far away
In places we'll never dream
I, I wanna know
What those stars think
There all alone
Burning endlessly
In the night where we all send our dreams
And up in the sky they'll be
Sun, in our sky
The closest star to me
There, through your eyes
You've seen everything
All, all our time
All our wars and peace
You, you always shine
Watching everything
All our lives are playing on your screen
And up in the sky you'll be
And I wonder if they could
Would the stars speak to me
Should they tell me what they would
When our world ceases to be
Would they say that there's no rhyme or reason that
Spins our Earth and makes our seasons
That everything is bound to fall apart
Or would they tell me in one perfect moment our
Earth was placed here in its orbit and
Everything was fated from the start
Or would they tell me it's just destiny and
Up in our sky they'll be
Us, all alone
Our floating ball of dust
Where, where we call home
The only one we know
I, I wanna know
About the bigger things
But they never show
So I'm left wondering
In the night where we all send our dreams
If up in the sky they'll be
And I wonder if they could
Would the stars speak to me
Should they tell me what they would
When our world ceases to be
Would they say that there's no rhyme or reason that
Spins our Earth and makes our seasons
That everything is bound to fall apart
Or would they tell me in one perfect moment our
Earth was placed here in its orbit and
Everything was fated from the start
Or would they tell me it's just destiny and
Up in our sky they'll be
Up in our sky they'll be
Watching you and watching me