Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
My dreams fly high like a spaceship
Believe in yourself that's the first step
Then you got to try
You can go high as the sky
The devils a lair
God is inside us
So let's get fired up
We can do anything
Positive thinking and no negativity
Yeah Yeah
We stay on our hustle and grind
You may not see me outside
That cause I'm practicing all the time
We in the studio spitting them rhymes
Or we on the road
Doing these shows
Pushing for greatness it never gets old
We on a mission, that's all that I know
This what I tell them wherever I go
Yeah Yeah Yeah
If you can dream it
You can be it
It's all inside you
Believe it
And you can see it
It's all inside
If you can dream it
You can be it
It's all inside you
Believe it
And you can see it
It's all inside
If I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I
Put in the work
Got to stay turnt
Keeping God first
This is how you do it if you want it
Gotta go to God on the front end
Look at my haters on the grown
I wave high from the clouds
Uh Yeah
I'm like an astronaut
Feels real good at the top
Keep it going
Never gone stop
Even if they like it or not
Still gone rock
Check out the look in my eye
Focused on the dream I got
Mama said son fly high
So i got to shoot for the stars
Even when stuff gets hard
Never on Pause
We stay on Go
Believe in yourself
You already know
If you can dream it
You can be it
It's all inside you
Believe it
And you can see it
It's all inside
If you can dream it
You can be it
It's all inside you
Believe it
And you can see it
It's all inside
If I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I believe in me
I can reach all my dreams
Say, if I
Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream Level
If you can dream it
You can be it
It's all inside you
Believe it
And you can see it
It's all inside
If you can dream it
You can be it
It's all inside you
Believe it
And you can see it
It's all inside