One solo, two solo, red solo, blue
Black solo, new solo, true solo too
This one has a tiny car
This one shines like a bright, new star
Oh, what a lot of solos there are
Some are red, and some are blue
Some are old, and some are new
Some are shy, and some are spry
And some are bold, oh my, oh my
Why are they shy and spry and bold
I do not know, go ask the old
Some are small, and some are tall
The tall one wears a bright, big shawl
From here to there, from there to here
Funny solos appear, I fear
Some have two feet and some have four
Some have six feet, and some have more
Where do they come from, I can't say
But I bet they've traveled far away
We see them come, we see them go
Some are fast, and some are slow
Some are high, and some are low
Not one of them is like another
Don't ask us why, go ask your mother
Who am I, my name is SOLO
I do not like my little pillow
This is no good, this isn't fair
It's too flat, can't rest my head anywhere
When I try to sleep, oh dear
My dreams take flight and disappear
I toss and turn, wiggle and squirm
Searching for comfort, a cozy term
But this pillow's a mess, oh what a plight
I wish for a cloud to cuddle up tight
We like our bike, it's made for three
Our SCOUT sits up in back, you see
We like our scout, and this is why
Gloria does the work when the hills get high
The moon was out, and we saw some sheep
We saw them wander, all in their sleep
By the light of the moon, by a star so bright
They walked all night, from near to far, right
I would never walk, oh no, not me
I'd take a car, it's the way to be
Can you hear me, SOLO, oh no, not clear
A cutie pie knocked my phone right near
Funny things are everywhere, I swear
From near to far, from here to there
From near to far, from here to there