In the course of human events we rise
Separate and equal under these skies
We hold these truths self-evident and clear
All men created equal no room for fear
Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
We fought for freedom and we won't accept less
Governments derive their power from us
When they fail we rise we adjust
When a long train of abuses does appear
We throw off the chains make it disappear
From the tyrant's grip we break away
A new dawn a new day a new day
Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
We fought for freedom and we won't accept less
Governments derive their power from us
When they fail we rise we adjust
When a long train of abuses does appear
We throw off the chains make it disappear
From the tyrant's grip we break away
A new dawn a new day
Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
We fought for freedom and we won't accept less
Governments derive their power from us
When they fail we rise we adjust
No more taxes without our consent
No more trials across the sea sent
No more troops quartered in our homes
Injustice is where the wild wind roams
We declare our right to be free
Independent states united as can be
With our lives fortunes and sacred honor
We pledge to freedom no longer a foreigner
The King has waged war ravaged our land
But united we stand hand in hand
From sea to shining sea our voices loud
We proclaim our freedom proud
Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
We fought for freedom and we won't accept less
Governments derive their power from us
When they fail we rise we adjust
"The King has waged war ravaged our land
But united we stand hand in hand
From sea to shining sea our voices loud
We proclaim our freedom proud"
Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
We fought for freedom and we won't accept less
Governments derive their power from us
When they fail we rise we adjust
Freedom's Anthem our song of the brave
Through the ages our flag will wave
In every heart let freedom ring
This is our 4th of July and forever we'll sing