Wyth sorowful syghes and woundes smart
my hart ys persed sodaynly
to morne off ryght yt ys my part
to wepe to wayle full greuously
the bytter teres dothe me constrayne [5]
all tho that I wold not yt eschew
to wyte off them that dothe dysdayne
faythfull louers that be so trew
The one of us from the other they do absent
wych unto us ys a dedly wond [10]
seyng we loue in thys yntent
yn gods laws for to be bownd
wyth syghes depe my harte ys prest
duryng off great paynes among
to see her dayly whom I loue best [15]
yn great and untollerable sorows strong
ther doth not lyue no louyng hurt
but wyll lament ower greuous woo
and pray to god to ease owre smart
and shortly together that we may goo.