It fills my heart with joy
To issue this order
I'm calling my armies
To Law and Order
I don't begin and I don't end
Eyes don't begin and eyes don't end
In the world, in the flesh, awoken
In the world, in the flesh, realized
It fills our hearts with joy
To follow this order
We are the armies
That are called to come
Forth in Law and Order
I'm calling all disciples
I'm calling all warriors
As well as the other 25
As well as the 144 thousand
The armies behind the banner
Fallen to rise
What am I and what my purpose
Who are you and what your mission
Who are we and what our service
In the flesh awoken
In the flesh
And realized
It fills my heart with joy
To issue this order
I'm calling my armies
To Law and Order
This is the call to arms
The first and the last
A win awaits for those who join