He was your love, he was your first true love
And you swore no one would ever assume his place
You were his love, you were his only love
Till he saw a welcoming smile on a fairer face
And so we have seen the way
Our heroes would err and stray
With music your joy and sorrow your soul
Back then, your heart almost broken, you still played on
I was your child, I was your only child
By nature if neither by birth nor blood
But you asked a lot, I disappointed you
Did wrong every time I attempted good
If I gave no joy to you
You gave me no reason to
Now I want a love and one who will call
And stoop, to scoop up the stars, to scoop up the stars when they fall.
If I gave no joy to you
You gave me no reason to
It's human to fail, human to fall
But Stella, you know there are stars
You know there are stars in us all