If I have to ask you
To get out of my house
One more time
I said, get out of my house
And never come back
I'm back
Back in the road
Mandolin solo
I remember when I was young
I remember all the other systems
System overload
System overdose
System overdose
System overflowing
She's coming out of the oboe bolo
I love bolo
(One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four)
It is I, Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is my name
And I saved the slaves
From the U.S.A.
Abraham Lincoln
(Saved the slaves)
It's my name
(Saved the slaves)
From the U.S.A., not the U.S.C.
That's the confederate
Emancipation proclimation
(Emancipation proclamation)
"I did that" cause I'm Abraham Lincoln
From the U.S. of A.
(Of the U.S. nation)
(Emancipation of the U.S. nation)
Abraham Lincoln
(Abraham Lincoln)
Gettysburg address
What's your address?
Please leave your address
In the comments below
And your social security number
That's all that I want
It's a piece of you I keep
When I grow it
And your mother's maiden name
Father's maiden xbox username
And what's your T-Mobile login? and your name
Your google drive
I'm a serious grinch
Seeking refugee
Save me for free
I'll pay it back in New England currency
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
I'm on the penny
(On the penny)
Abraham Lincoln
On the penny
Abraham Lincoln
(On the penny)
I'm on the penny
Emancipation Proclamation
On the penny
On the U.S. nation
On the penny
On the penny
(On the penny)
(On the penny)
(On the penny)
Of the U.S. nation
(On the penny)
(Abraham Lincoln)
(On the penny)
(On the penny)
(On the penny)
Of the U.S. nation
(On the penny)
"Me, I am Abraham Lincoln!"
"Thank you Lincoln! thank you for freeing the slaves
And also getting shot in the back of the head"
"If you were at a library, my name would be Lincoln, comma, Abraham"